2020/21 Topps Stickers Book/Album NHL Hockey

by Topps
Available at:
Album Configuration:
Album contains 80 Pages + a front and back cover + 2 Sticker Sheets with 4 & 6 free stickers, respectively, will be inserted into each Album.
Twelve (12) Albums per Tray
Eight (8) Trays per Case

Find 78 themed pages to hold all 670 stickers in the collection!

o 2 full pages dedicated to the Stanley Cup® Trophy, NHL Mascots™, & NHL® All-Star Puzzle sets!
o 2 full pages dedicated to each of the 31 NHL Teams
o Pages dedicated to the variety of new insert sets
o Make Your Own NHL® All-Star Team pages
o 10 FREE stickers in each album including 4 album exclusive Photo Variants!

Packs/Boxes Configuration:

Each Pack contains four (4) 2020-21 NHL Sticker Collection player stickers and one (1) foil sticker.

Fifty (50) Packs per Box

Sixteen (16) Boxes per Case

2020-21 Topps NHL® Sticker Collection builds on the success of last year’s collection by introducing some of the most exciting designs in sports stickers!



All-new Base Set and Insert designs 

3 Full-size sticker puzzles 

Pillar Foil Inserts – 1 per pack 

Collect all 670 stickers including 4 album-exclusive Photo Variants!